Clapham humpback whale book

Phil clapham, a respected whale biologist and recognized humpback whale expert, has managed to successfully incorporate interesting scientific information with a sense of how these whales leave a lasting impression on the hearts of people who encounter them from a whale watch boat or research vessel. How a whale saved a marine biologist from a shark marine biologist nan hauser released video this week, recorded last fall, that shows a whale nudging her. Large numbers of humpback whales have returned to nyc for. This topselling series introduces the wild creatures of the world a. We know more about the north atlantic humpback whale megaptera novaeangliae than we do for virtually any other cetacean, yet attempts to use this information to describe the status of the. Cosewic status report on the humpback whale megaptera novaeangliae in canada.

The humpback has a distinctive body shape, with long pectoral fins and a knobbly head. Humpback whale numbers were severely reduced before the 1985 ban on commercial whaling, but the numbers in many population groups have since improved. Featured movies all video latest this just in prelinger archives democracy now. For the first time in 100 years, sizable numbers of humpback whales are being spotted in the waters off nyc, and its thanks to years of environmental cleanup efforts, popular science reports. Humpback whales around the globe are mysteriously rescuing animals from orcas scientists are baffled at this seemingly altruistic behavior, which seems to be a concerted global effort to foil. Top american libraries canadian libraries universal library community texts project gutenberg biodiversity heritage library childrens library. If you come here often, you should tell us and the whole world, really about yourself in the bio section of your profile. Marine biologist philip clapham describes the song as probably the most complex in the animal kingdom. Phil clapham, recognized as one of the worlds leading whale experts, examines all the species, from humpback to blue whales to right whales and sperm whales, and reveals the often complex ways in which whales interact, communicate and breed. Clapham 1997 estimated a mean interbirth interval for north atlantic. Jennifer jackson, scott baker, nick gales, philip clapham and robert brownell 2008 iucn.

It is one of the larger rorqual species, with adults ranging in length from 1216 m 3952 ft and weighing around 2530 metric tons 2833 short tons. Migration of a humpback whale megaptera novaeangliae. Humpback whales around the globe are mysteriously rescuing. Journey of a humpback whale dorling kindersley readers, level 2.

Its hard to beat a humpback whale for charisma, with so many great. Big love in a mating ritual, male humpback whales leap, splash and fight. The humpback whale megaptera novaeangliae is a species of baleen whale. Expertly written by dr phil clapham, its a vivid potrayal of one of earths most beautiful and yet mysterious marine mammals, the humpback whale. Author phil clapham shows a knowledge of his subject matter and the ability to explain it to a nonscientific audience. Dolphins, porpoises and whales of the world the iucn red data. Humpback whale skip to main search results amazon prime. World life library produces some of the best books with regards to ceteceans. While the complex sounds of the humpback whale and some blue whales are believed to be.

Humpback whales, strongly adhered to the pattern described in the prior paragraph. Phil clapham an introduction to the physical features, behavior, social structure, and unique characteristics of humpback whales, as. Humphrey the whale is a humpback whale which twice deviated from his mexico to alaska migration by entering san francisco bay. Humpback whales from different populations vary somewhat. Request pdf on researchgate do humpback whales exhibit lateralized behavior. Migration of a humpback whale megaptera novaeangliae between the cape verde islands and iceland article pdf available in journal of cetacean research and management 52. Phil clapham did a wonderful job here, a book that measures up to the subject matter.